
Even in this time of uncertainty, growth and blossoming can occur.  It can take the form in many ways.  Just a simple message from an individual can start new thoughts and ideas, seedlings, and blossoms. There are times like now during the pandemic that you feel ….well I do… just want to retreat, but you gather enough strength to keep planting.

How are you like a flower?  Are you ready to blossom?  Do you stay closed? Or has your growth been stunted by weeds taking over? Wilting in the end of a season?

Today, I am allowing myself to blossom, being self-accepting of myself, and seeing where this thought process takes me.  This is what I hope A Place 2B ME can continue to do in this time for many of re-blossoming. More of us have much time on our hands due to unforeseen circumstances.  But all of us have much to offer and the possibilities of connections are still out there.  We just need to re-blossom those possibilities.

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But then, there are times that you just want to retreat, stay small and not move. This is when I take a big deep breath and gather positive thoughts to expand and develop. So, for me right now, I am going to start…with one flower.  Then another and soon there will be a garden full!!  Hoping to get back into “gardening” with my friends real soon. 

We had started this type of garden many months ago.  And recently I was reminded by clients asking about the blossoms that we created.  They had been displayed during the summer but were not able to be shared because of limitations in visiting others.  Now with the changing seasons, we can change the type of flowers that we create to reflect the current season.   The thoughts to share those blossoms have not changed.  Sharing the opportunity to continue to bloom and giving a kind gesture to someone is so important.

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I just read something. ”Every plant has their own requirements to grow.” I feel that is so “perfect timing” as these blossoms that we have worked on have been slow to bloom.  But then maybe they were meant to be late bloomer after all!

Just when it seemed that we were ready to get these blooms in action again….well there were technical difficulties……well maybe not exactly but my perception. I thought we had a plan to move forward.  That is what my head was telling me.  But when I asked.  I heard a “NO”.  I had to be open to the possibilities of allowing to hear “NO” not now.  Allowing those I serve to make those decisions currently. So, I accepted the no response and did some reflecting.  The no response was not final but hitting the pause button.  Many of their days are not in their control with limits in their daily choices of activities.  At home, all the time and decreased social opportunities…..saying no not right now is so important to allow.  It is just a pause.  Also, by understanding that they have a responsibility for their thoughts, and actions gives them opportunity for “a place 2 be me” and allowing many to problem solve through their process. Currently, we are dependent on virtual connections.  When the tools that we need to use are not ready, well, that is an individual’s responsibility to be ready and prepared,  or accept the consequences of not being able to participate in that scheduled time with others. Responsibility is an important skill to continue to develop and blossom. I must be reminded that we are creating our own “a place to be me” and respect that what one person thinks, or their perception is of that space can be quite different from yours.  There are many views of how the tools are used.  Maybe not today because we have other choices but another day for sure.

We can bloom at different times and in different forms and ways.

So, for me and what I want to share with all of you… is an affirmation –

I am capable of blossoming in my own time and in my own way.

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My clients continue to teach me as I help support them.  That WE have a voice, WE can make our own decisions and blossom in our own time. Be patient, kind and understanding throughout this whole process.  And remember to bloom during whatever season you choose.  I am sure that I will be sharing much more real soon.  Stay tuned for sure.