Have a voice!


When I started A Place 2B ME, Jonathan encouraged me to have stories on the webpage. This would be an opportunity for individuals to share their voice.  Have people get to know about them through a sharing platform.   My son Jonathan is a “storyteller” so I was so glad when he wrote the first one.  Then Lucas was asked and I was so appreciative that he would do this for me.   I had asked Thomas, and after asking several times (haha) I appreciated him completing this “task”.    Of course, I had asked him to expand on his story, wanting to know more about how he felt about his "limitations".  Well last week Thomas was taken to heaven at the early age of 22.  I was planning on having a long time with Thomas as A Place 2B ME was created to help the "Thomas’s" of the world. I SO enjoying when we had a chance to spend time together.  It might have been quiet, but I felt a great sense of comradery through the process of sharing and planning for fun stuff for the future.  I accepted him for who he was and in turn he accepted me! We had shared many thoughts and dreams, as well as helping Thomas problem solve and allowing him to express his feelings and thoughts.

What we found out after his passing, that MANY folks had wonderful things to say about Thomas even though we didn't know he had so many “friends”.  What I mean is that what many people saw was that Thomas wasn’t invited out, had friends who came over, and didn’t go out to the social scenes with peers his age. Thomas had a wealth of online friends his age. What we found out was that he found acquaintances and friends through his social outlets such as Facebook.  This gave him the most wonderful opportunity to share his thoughts, ideas, hopes, dreams, and aspirations with others.  He got to debate politics, sports and life in his own way and in his own time.

As I was discussing just today with fellow therapy colleagues, we so want to find a way to let others have a voice to say "wait a minute, give me time to think, I don't know right now.  WE are able or are given that opportunity most often, but our friends with "special needs" do not seem to be given the time to process information.  We seem to want them to respond immediately.  Well, we sure often see the "behavior" that occurs when the difficulty of expressing, OR when we don't allow or accept what they have shared. I get such a feeling of satisfaction and warmth when the process is provided and you see the smile or simple gesture of THANKS when we affirm their thoughts and feelings. 

Often, Thomas would just be silent or respond “I don’t know” when in fact he DID know, we just weren’t providing a comfortable platform for him to express himself.  His phone, computer was his connection to the world around him. 


This is what Thomas wrote...............................................

~I was born with a congenital heart defect, and needed an aortic valve replacement. This has led me to have learning and attention difficulties throughout my school years. Even though I had learning troubles, I did have fairly easy time making friends. The socializing is kind of built in when you are at school, but I very rarely hung out with friends from school except for organized functions. After school, I am still stuck in the same rut I was in while I was in school with having acquaintances and quasi‐friends at work. I also had trouble finding hobbies to pick up outside of the house. That’s when my Aunt Pam stepped in to help.

Pam is my Aunt, and is willing and able to help those who she can. She tried to help me find different leisure activities to take up some of my free time. I think if my schoolwork and job hadn’t gotten in the way so much it would have worked better. She did get me to join my community band for a few months before my college classes started up. She also got me to walk and hang out with one her students at a nearby mall. If I had more time and focused a little bit more of my time into trying what she had in mind, things would have worked much better. Maybe we can try again sometime, I think with the services she has planned for A Place 2B ME will help me and others who are struggling to find friends and different hobbies to fill our days with. 

When Aunt Pam first brought up the idea of her A Place 2B ME, I thought that a lot of people with special needs could benefit from a place like that. I think that the social events she has planned like the “First Friday Fun Night” events will help those who have trouble making friends. Events like that along with whatever else she has planned for her company will be a benefit for everyone who is in need of her services. A Place 2B ME will be a great starting point for those with special needs who are looking to join the everyday world.  ~

My friend Carli posted this on Facebook and with her permission I am including this in my blog post - I refuse to accept your labels. Do not impose your labels based on your assumptions of who I am. You do not know my struggles, nor do you know my joys. To look upon my exterior is not to know me. You chose to ignore my potential for growth. Rather than speak your wisdom, you chose to tear me down. Instead of conversations, we fight. You hate rather than educate. Based on your labels.

For years, our society has been breeding a culture of hate. We have turned our backs on our neighbors, chosen to allow the media to control our opinions and insist our way is the only way. We can continue on this path, or we can choose a new path. I chose to stop generalizing, to love, to share my opinions kindly and safely. I choose to teach my children to accept everyone and to speak out of love first. I chose to educate others. I chose to listen first and speak second. I choose to keep learning with an open mind. This is the path I choose.


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I again am thinking about Thomas......thinking about what he and Carli said.  Reflecting on this young man Thomas' life and his legacy.  Thomas very much chose to educate others and was a very kind soul with those of ALL needs, shapes, sizes or race. He was one that we would consider to have hidden disabilities. To look at Thomas you saw a tall young man without any glaring disabilities. But on the inside, was this heart that was not formed correctly and needed help soon after birth and continued monitoring as he grew and developed. He would struggle with some simple everyday tasks – riding a bike or driving a car was not a skill accomplished.   He was that person who listened first (most of the time), had an open mind, and saw the potential in others.

At his funeral, my sister Kathie encouraged his peers to keep Thomas’s story going strong.  Be his voice. Keep living the life that Thomas would be proud of you for!  That way we can help cultivate a culture of acceptance and not turn our back on others.  Be a helper…be patient and be kind. Lend a helping hand….but, WAIT – give time for those with or without a voice to collect their thoughts and ideas and be allowed to express themselves using many different platforms.  Let’s advocate, help and guide others in doing just that!





Our ability to color our world!



Sitting in the quiet of my basement….. at a great table made from a part of a bowling alley many years ago.  A part of my past, memories of my dad sitting in the basement at this very table creating works of art with glass – stained glass creations that he made with his own hands.  A time for him to be himself, creating beautiful works that I and many others still cherish and enjoy even today.

Now, it is my turn to sit at this table in the basement of my house, creating works of what I call art.  Some of these pieces are very simple, using melted crayons or splatter paint to create a background for simple sayings on artist canvas, other pieces made with words that have meaning to me, puzzle pieces forming shapes, and cards made with a variety of art mediums including colored pencils, markers or photographs taken of favorite places. These creations have been inspired by many.  Sisters, friends, co-workers, family and individuals of all abilities have helped color, create, design and make beautiful groupings of alphabet letter cards that are in a variety of seasonal colors for others. It is an artist’s touch to share thoughts, ideas ...


……….and greetings for those that would enjoy a hand-written beauty, and fun seasonal creations.           

Quiet….creating…..transforming thoughts ideas, hopes and dreams. I hope to continue to share this with others.  Feeling good about an accomplishment and sharing it with others.  Whether we create art or a skill just for our own well-being, gaining more skills, enlightening someone’s ideas of our abilities, or just for a moment to have a pleasant experience and feel connections with ourselves and maybe others.  To feel that self-satisfaction is a wonderful feeling I believe. Not only in the basement at that memory filled table, but maybe in another special part of home or wherever……even in the kitchen. Smell that aroma and memories fill the room. 



As I sat with few of my friends at the group home this weekend, a great conversation was happening between us exploring leisure choices and options.  I learn a few new interests of theirs every time we have these conversations.   And as we explored a lengthy list, they too were finding that OH!! Maybe there ARE a few more choices out there, and maybe we can find a piece of these activities that will meet their expectations and allow them to interact with others if they choose. The “aha moment” was when they were even surprised of the many interests that are available to them……and if we all  just dream a little bit bigger, and try to mold the activity to them with their interests no matter how small or big.  When we find the “just right” task/activity the creative juices just flow and we can witness that sense of being accomplished.  A piece of their world shining just a bit brighter.  Providing a greater color to their world.



Or…..maybe just finding an activity that they can enjoy in the quiet of their own special space like mine in the basement sitting at table that was once used by my dad……or in the kitchen.  You choose where to find your space……Your A Place 2B ME!   Thoughts…..ideas……transforming our lives forward with our own unfiltered ideas, and creativity!!




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I just read this and thought.......YES!!!!! 

“Play is the highest form of research"  ~ Albert Einstein

What is the definition of play?  According to a google search of definition....

“Play is actively engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.”

Ok then ......let's think about this for a moment.  Isn't that what we should be feeling often?  I think so!!  I think many folks think of play as kids stuff.  But.....really we ALL need to find forms of play that will engage us, allow us to remove ourselves from the daily wear and tear of life, just have fun, and allow the kid in all of us to come out.

Several years ago, I took a class "Visioncircles" as part of the Brain Gym curriculum.  I have used many of the strategies, suggestions etc. from that class in my daily life and Occupational Therapy practice. While in the class,  had to write down a goal for ourselves.  That is very common in many classes that I/we take. Well, as I was sitting here starting to type and thinking about what to write, I looked up and saw a card that I filled out from that class.  I have saved it for many years and use it as a reminder, nudge of encouragement and an affirmation for myself at times.

The card reads:

~Acceptance of the real me and to allow that person - the playful person to come out~

That was a vision I had then.....and it is still true today!! There it is again -  the word PLAY - be playful.  

How lucky I am as an Occupational Therapist….Brain Gym Instructor AND Rhythmic Movement consultant….. to use PLAY in many forms every day to achieve functional outcomes for the students and clients that I work with AND to be able to share with so many!  Engaging in chosen, meaningful and fun tasks allow us to achieve in ways that we sometimes think are not possible! We can surprise ourselves in many ways when engaging in a leisure, fun, playful experience. Many children engage in this playful manner without expectation, goals, objectives, fear etc.  I often refer to this as "KID POWER".  This is the moment, that as a parent you often take that OMG response, and find the child engaging in activities that could be considered "on the edge" of maybe safety. 

How many folks do you know that participate in those extreme sports or risky activities?  WOW is that not high form of PLAY??  It seems it starts out that way for many, then progresses to a greater challenge and then maybe competitive structure.  But, when fully engaged in that extreme task, you will often see the pleasure and being lost in the moment.  


So……let’s ALL take the time to PLAY and be in KID POWER!!



The climb to the top...........AWESOMENESS!!

The climb to the top...........AWESOMENESS!!

Refuel and Recharge

Refueling……recharging the batteries





We all need to take time to refuel the body and mind tank.  For me, during this summer break, it was taking a few trips.  These were to visit relatives, reconnect with friends and family, make new friends, and just have FUN! 


I continue to invest time in the development of A Place 2B ME.  Taking time for ME will help me pursue my dreams to create, enjoy, explore, and envision this endeavor. 


While enjoying time away from home, my sister, friends and family were able to discuss ideas for creative art exploration and development.  It is so much fun talking with others who share similar visions and will help empower those that have needs of many different levels.  We ALL have so much to offer and to help others find their direction, passion and awareness of their abilities.  Whether you are an “able bodied” individual or one with limitations in a variety of areas, you can find your A Place 2B ME. 


Martina Navratilova quotes that feel inspirational to me!


~Once you start believing in yourself, anything is possible. Once you start believing in yourself, your dreams take shape. The more you believe, the more you achieve.~


~Life is about challenges and how we face up to them and the attitude we take into everyday life so hopefully we'll be able to motivate people to do more with their life.~


I want to find a place where I…..WE can believe in ourselves, face challenges, motivate others, and create a space to be ourselves no matter the challenges that we have.   

I continue to work on many different activities, projects, and stories that I hope to share with you and others. 

 Before I left on vacation, I was frustrated as I lost blog posts that I had on the webpage. Well…..I need to think of losing the pages as a chance to recreate and start again.  It is like refueling and recharging the batteries of A Place 2B ME.  It was energizing to talk about my vision, hopes and dreams to others along my travels.  And…..having people show interest and excitement in this new path I have chosen. 

Time to create new blog posts, stories, ideas and activities!!  FUN!!!  So it is time to develop the big picture and create the specific details to make this vision a reality!

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So…..take time to refuel………………….

…AND… recharge YOUR batteries. 

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