
Well everyone, I chose the word MASTERY for 2020.  As I had written before, I had to take a step back, think, ponder about what I had mastered.  MUCH!!  Getting through 2020 was a task of mastery in itself. 

Now, 2021, it is time to look forward.  I have felt often through this past year, that I start climbing that mountain feeling accomplished and then I would stumble a bit. As I reflect in relationship to A Place 2B ME, we continue to climb, stumble, and take new paths. And in the process, we gain new friends and new perspectives. Many choices, opportunities and strategies that we had not considered before emerge.  Also, lots of new learning has occurred, especially with use of technology.  And these new learned skills were shared with others to support their participation in ways that they were not sure were even possible.

So, as I look to 2021, my new word is PERSEVERANCE.

The definition of perseverance –

“persistent in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success”

Join along.  Let us PERSEVERE together.

So much fun!

Just a little fun to help be a bit more festive. Put out a challenge and was so excited to see folks participate. All different! I see more challenges in the future. Hmmmmm…….what should be next?


Making a Difference

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I was so honored to have Diane listen to my story about A Place 2B ME, Inc. As I reflect on this, Thanksgiving week, I am reminded to continue to truly make a difference. I have had SO many of those that I provide service to, support me as I support them, teach me as I teach them, and develop new friendships together as well. I am SO thankful to all. Thanksgiving for me is a time of reflection. I will reflect on Paula and Thomas as well as so many more. Paula and Thomas were great teachers, friends and mentors to many. I feel that they continue to guide in the ongoing development of A Place 2B ME.


Even in this time of uncertainty, growth and blossoming can occur.  It can take the form in many ways.  Just a simple message from an individual can start new thoughts and ideas, seedlings, and blossoms. There are times like now during the pandemic that you feel ….well I do… just want to retreat, but you gather enough strength to keep planting.

How are you like a flower?  Are you ready to blossom?  Do you stay closed? Or has your growth been stunted by weeds taking over? Wilting in the end of a season?

Today, I am allowing myself to blossom, being self-accepting of myself, and seeing where this thought process takes me.  This is what I hope A Place 2B ME can continue to do in this time for many of re-blossoming. More of us have much time on our hands due to unforeseen circumstances.  But all of us have much to offer and the possibilities of connections are still out there.  We just need to re-blossom those possibilities.

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But then, there are times that you just want to retreat, stay small and not move. This is when I take a big deep breath and gather positive thoughts to expand and develop. So, for me right now, I am going to start…with one flower.  Then another and soon there will be a garden full!!  Hoping to get back into “gardening” with my friends real soon. 

We had started this type of garden many months ago.  And recently I was reminded by clients asking about the blossoms that we created.  They had been displayed during the summer but were not able to be shared because of limitations in visiting others.  Now with the changing seasons, we can change the type of flowers that we create to reflect the current season.   The thoughts to share those blossoms have not changed.  Sharing the opportunity to continue to bloom and giving a kind gesture to someone is so important.

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I just read something. ”Every plant has their own requirements to grow.” I feel that is so “perfect timing” as these blossoms that we have worked on have been slow to bloom.  But then maybe they were meant to be late bloomer after all!

Just when it seemed that we were ready to get these blooms in action again….well there were technical difficulties……well maybe not exactly but my perception. I thought we had a plan to move forward.  That is what my head was telling me.  But when I asked.  I heard a “NO”.  I had to be open to the possibilities of allowing to hear “NO” not now.  Allowing those I serve to make those decisions currently. So, I accepted the no response and did some reflecting.  The no response was not final but hitting the pause button.  Many of their days are not in their control with limits in their daily choices of activities.  At home, all the time and decreased social opportunities…..saying no not right now is so important to allow.  It is just a pause.  Also, by understanding that they have a responsibility for their thoughts, and actions gives them opportunity for “a place 2 be me” and allowing many to problem solve through their process. Currently, we are dependent on virtual connections.  When the tools that we need to use are not ready, well, that is an individual’s responsibility to be ready and prepared,  or accept the consequences of not being able to participate in that scheduled time with others. Responsibility is an important skill to continue to develop and blossom. I must be reminded that we are creating our own “a place to be me” and respect that what one person thinks, or their perception is of that space can be quite different from yours.  There are many views of how the tools are used.  Maybe not today because we have other choices but another day for sure.

We can bloom at different times and in different forms and ways.

So, for me and what I want to share with all of you… is an affirmation –

I am capable of blossoming in my own time and in my own way.

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My clients continue to teach me as I help support them.  That WE have a voice, WE can make our own decisions and blossom in our own time. Be patient, kind and understanding throughout this whole process.  And remember to bloom during whatever season you choose.  I am sure that I will be sharing much more real soon.  Stay tuned for sure. 

Continued the making

As we were thinking about the word that was chosen for the year, my first reaction was that we have not mastered much. BUT!!! let’s think for a moment. During this time of the pandemic, for most we have have had to master much new learning, techniques and mastering the possibility of options to continue to thrive in this unprecedented times. For me, technology was not a skill that I would feel I have mastered at all!! I have worked on mastery by reaching out to others for help and support. And with that, able to provide services to others in a different way. Like when you go for a hike, and you choose a path but along the way the trail leads you in a different direction. That is how I am feeling right now. At times, it feels like a dead end. But when taking the other direction, at times it has opened my eyes to new opportunities. Making connections is still the primary focus of A Place 2B ME. Our place might be more contained and limited, but still evolving for many. One client was so excited to make a connection during the past few weeks. During their virtual connection more ideas were discussed and possibilities were evident during their conversation. Now to continue to plan, persevere, learn and enjoy during those times of connections. Learn and appreciate the new paths even if it takes us in another direction. I am mastering the possibilities of the new. Stay safe friends.

More summer fun 2018!

We have had some nice interest in our cards and animal memory rocks!! That is so exciting. 

Let us know if you would like some made just for YOU.  We would be honored.

They are even traveling as far as North Carolina!!

Beginning of summer FUN 2018!

Summer fun 2018 has begun!

Summer fun 2018 has begun!

Summer can be many things.  For some, it is a chance to relax, recharge the body.  For  us with A Place 2B ME, it is a time to make new connections and have FUN!!  We have started out the summer with some fun making connections with some great teenagers.  These individuals may all have some type of disability, but creating connections, learning new skills and just having plain old ordinary fun is what it is all about.  

Through "fun", we are working on following directions, making correct choices, waiting our turn, being a friend, making new friends, and being accepted for who we are.  Through learning and practice using the  tools, strategies and our abilities will help us as we move forward in school and towards employment.  

As adults who are supporting our mission, help the folks with modeling, adapting the tools and strategies, and being a mentor and friend.  All have so much fun and learn so much through this process. 

Activities such as painting rocks and making slime are just the start of summer adventures for A Place 2B ME. 

We will be sharing more as the summer fun continues. 




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 My chosen word for 2018 is “connection”.  The definition of connection is a relationship in which a person, place thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else. Over the past few months, I have thought about my word connection.  This has occurred during work, when I am thinking about A Place 2B ME, and when thinking of friends and family. Making new connections, rekindling older connections and maintaining current connections encompass my being currently in my life. I have connected with a college roommate that I haven’t seen in MANY years. Also, I was privileged to live with a wonderful family when I was in college and reconnected with them as well. 

As with many, social media is our way of staying connected. My college roommate and I had connected through Facebook and would often respond to posts shared by either of us.  Although we live only a city away from each other, we hadn’t connected.  As I thought of my word for the year, I felt we needed to connect outside of social media and Christmas cards.   I reached out, and we finally met for a great dinner meal, and shared many fun stories from our past.

Then, the family that I lived with during college, was now moving to another state to be closer to their son and grandchild. This is a family that provided great support to me then, and as I was able to provide service to them caring for their young son during that time. A great bond was established.  During the years we were able to share some monumental life occasions, their anniversary, milestones in their child’s life, and my wedding.  As with time, it sure does get away from us.  Being in contact only through Christmas/holiday cards had been the way of communication for the past many years. How exciting that they would make a stop and visit with me.  There was not enough time to reminisce at length, but reconnecting was so important and will be continued.  While they were leaving and starting their journey to the next phase of their life, it was so touching that they referred to me as family.  Even though time, and years get away from you…family is so important.  These folks may not be blood relatives but sure are a part of family to me.

We are also connected even if loved ones are no longer with us. As I color….I think of my mom and my nephew Thomas. Owls…..I think of family that I lived with when in college, a favorite that adorned walls, pictures and cards. The process of baking…..I think of my dad. The smells fill my memories.  Oh, and my grandma.  Chocolate chip cookies and cardamom bread.    Keeping those connections alive are so important.



As my friends help me paint rocks with “Always in my heart”, “Shine” or   whatever inspirational saying speaks to us, the joy of remembering and staying connected remains alive.                                                                                                     

Making connections that are important to you as an individual, those with and without disabilities is the foundation of A Place 2B ME.  Not my interests but yours.  What are the important connections for you?   Do you know?  Are you able to express and communicate those desires with others? 

Let A Place 2B ME help you with the exploration, creating connections, or becoming reconnected. The opportunity to connect with people, choices are out there. Let us help you and others become connected.

"Your Bench"

“Your bench”

Using a bench as a metaphor for YOU – think and ponder the following questions -

What does your bench represent?     

What is on your bench?  

What does your bench need to make you fulfilled?

Who are you in this bench?

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The bench represents you, your life, your aspirations.  Your bench is a blank canvas. What is meaningful to you to be included on your bench?  What fulfills you that would merit being a part of your bench?  Who are you? Untouched, undone, ready for life to be infused with         the explanation of YOU. The other bench, is just that, the beginning.  It is your blank canvas.     This bench is waiting for you to put your special abilities, special touches, thoughts and ideas into it. 

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For some, it would be connections to your community, - Sports teams and recognizing their colors.  And then, being able to just enjoy telling others a story about familiar events, past events, dreams and ideas that shape who you are.  This is who you are right now!  These are your thoughts and ideas that continually shape your movement forward in life.  Memories invoke wonderful thoughts when thinking about these colors.  Making stories is a passion.

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This bench representing a teen, enjoys just to have a friend, seeking to find who they are, come sit with me, find out who I am, understand the ME. This teen could add strategies and supports to have friends, what skills they need to work on, goals to help them move forward. Right now, it is empty but waiting for growth to happen.  That is what maturity is all about.

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Another is a young individual, full of life and color, zest and desire for a more fulfilled life if there would be someone to share it with.  Being a buddy helps the learning about being a friend.  By a way to share thoughts and ideas allows understanding that you as an individual are a part of a bigger community. Play is part of this bench, seeking fun, being creative.  The primary colors represent youthfulness, showing an understanding of the concept of invitation.

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Beach, calm, individual, just have time for aaahhhh.  Time for relaxation filling your beaker, regenerating your soul and thoughts.  Giving time to get ready to embrace the world once again.

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A bench with family memories started by a grandmother for her grandson. A connection to a family of traditions. Sit here, dream, reminisce, remember lots of togetherness time. This bench made a child feel unique and special.  Just themselves. 

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A bench/chair built with hand skills a long time ago.  Cherished possessions.  Feel honored to have this chair because this has been passed down to me.  When my grandma passed away, and we went through her belongings, it was asked who would like this.  I said a resounding YES.  How exciting to have a piece of history from my family generations ago.

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Community, sharing, working together for a cause, A Place 2B ME was asked to help bring a buddy bench to an elementary school.  With providing the school with a blank canvas in the bench, watching the elementary aged students choose colors, engage in the task of making this their own was heartwarming.  When one of the students replied, “this is ours?”, the smile that came over her face was priceless when it was explained to her that for sure this bench was now a part of her school community.

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A Veterans bench to provide thoughts of pride, accomplishment, effort for services.  Sharing stories of years and memories gone by long time ago.  We are all accepted, understanding and privileged. “Fireworks” showing pride, excitement and celebration of those that have served our country.

The bench is a community, a group of things, people come together, forged of individual slats of wood to create something larger.  Each individual represented by a separate piece of wood, come together to build a bench of a community/group which become something more. This community then welcomes others to join in, sit down.

Not representing one person, but many, a group of people coming together to mix colors and ideas to create something new. The bench becomes a place of creation, a point of connection.

Whether it is a chair or a bench, let’s show how we are all unique but can work together with all of our special talents and quirks to help shape an accepting community.

Let’s help make your bench –

your YOU become a reality in your hopes, dreams, aspirations – life!


A Place 2B ME has a mission to connect those with and without disabilities throughout the community.  We can help those in many phases of life’s journey complete self-reflection and seek what their bench should be like.  We also can help others complete a finished bench that represents a thought, idea, passion or mission of an individual, business or community.

 We would like to help YOU create that bench.

We are also looking for people to help others by sponsoring a bench.  

 Contact us for further information:                                          


What is A Place 2B ME?

What is A Place 2B ME?


People ask me this question often. As non-profit, it is important to have an identity and have clear vision of what we want to do.  It helps others know who we are, what we stand for and what we want to accomplish. At times, it is difficult to articulate in words what we want others to see, hear and feel about the organization.  It is our passion that all people be accepted and be a part of a community. To find their “ME”.

Our mission statement is:

To provide programs for disabled and non-disabled people to interact and engage in meaningful tasks and activities which lead to greater self-concept, employability, and enhanced feeling of self-worth.

The programs that we provide need to be chosen or self-directed by those that are interested in participating.  I have been an Occupational Therapist for over 30 years, and with all the planning that goes into therapy sessions, the most beneficial outcomes occur when the individual directs me as the therapist.  The best sessions occur when I the therapist initiate the process based on chosen meaningful tasks and activities and the individual takes the process and moves forward making decisions, choices and guides me the therapist.  It is then that progress is made, and the feeling of accomplishments happen. This then shows self-worth and a self-concept that is “I am important and I can do great things”. 

I frequently think of my sister Paula. As my twin, we shared many common ideas and interests, but we also had many very different thoughts, ideas and ways to show others who we were.  My twin sister Paula had Cerebral Palsy.  Her having a disability did NOT interfere with her participating in many chosen activities, including: amusement park rides and traveling throughout her community powered by her electric wheelchair.   I guess we have my mom and her connections with many other parents to thank. These parents were advocating for their child’s needs and interests.  Many of these friends were limited in many ways.  Some with mild physical impairments to those with profound disabilities.   Together, they formed a bond, friendships and willingness to accept others.  Fun occurred in so many ways! There may have been crazy adventures along the way but I think they would call that LIFE!!

Our hopes and desires are that we can be what folks of all abilities WANT it to be.  For the young group that we helped paint a bench so they have a platform to work on being a buddy with others, participating in Chalk Walk to have an opportunity to get together, be creative and have fun, First Friday Fun Nights, and work with a teenage boy to help him find activities that are of interest to him and that he can pursue.  This is just the tip of the iceberg of opportunities for our future.  Building community, whatever that looks like for each person, is our focus. 

We all have dreams, ideas, and the ability to show interest in tasks and activities, regardless of our level of support.  Maybe you just want to be present in an activity while others are engaged fully.  You show your interest by sitting there, visually attending, and not showing signs of frustration or overstimulation.  Or you are a newly retired, or an individual who just wants to connect with others by you seeking to find your own “a place to be me’.  Mentors are found, friendships are created when we can bring individuals together.


As I am currently working on developing a vision board for myself, this will allow me to see where my A Place 2B ME may be now, and where I would like it to be in the future.  Our A Place 2B ME is constantly changing, but I feel we all have a common bond that we all have a deep-rooted need for having a feeling of self.  When many of “these places” that have provided service to many for several years are now in jeopardy, where do those that they service find connections and opportunities?

It is my hope that A Place 2B ME can provide opportunities for those by working together finding meaningful tasks and activities that bring individuals together to share passions, friendships, compassion and meaningful engagement. 

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Looking ahead

There is so much running through my head after a thought filled day reaching out to many of many ages.  It was truly a day to listen to others as they are searching for their “A Place 2B ME”.

Thoughts, ideas, hopes, dreams, aspirations, and disappointments. And from parents, the same and a sense of feeling lost/overwhelm. This was part of what was expressed today.  As I was representing  A Place 2B Me, Inc. I got to ask this question to many.  What is leisure to you? 

Well, there sure are many different answers to that question!

It was enjoyable and bittersweet listening to parents and young adults discuss just this very topic.

As my friend just sent me a message in looking back and reflecting on our day.  “It was both wonderful and bittersweet.  It was wonderful to connect with so many people.  Bittersweet to hear their stories of loneliness.”

Today, for me, I was blessed with the opportunity to make connection with others and share my dream for A Place 2B ME. I know, as I have been reminded that this is a journey, one which I am feeling more drive and passion to accomplish.

I want to continue to move forward, achieve goals and fulfill aspirations for many!